Jan 31, Microsoft Office Product Key, Product key, Product key, office product key, office keys, office activation codes, office serial keys. Describes that an Office Professional Plus user receives an Unlicensed. The office activator is free to download and use from our website. Once complete, the red button on the KMSPico office activator will turn green to show your application is registered and that it is ready to use. The process is not instantaneous and will take some time before you are connected to a server for activation. You can now let the activator run in the background, and it will notify you once the process is complete. Select it and click on the red button on the KMSPico office activator to begin the process. As it is running, start the KMSPico software, and as it begins to run, identify the Office icon for the application you want to activate. Now, open the application you want to activate and run it in the background.

You should ensure the anti-virus is disabled throughout the office activation process. It is also compatible with bit and bit systems. This makes it convenient and allows more PC users to have access to it. You can now sit back and wait for the installation process to be complete, and the KMSPico office activator will be ready to use.

Finally, run it as an administrator to ensure it is not blocked. Next, find the executable program here and click on it to begin the installation. During installation, first, extract all the files into a separate folder to begin.