Depending on the size of the files being shared and the frequency of downloads, you can reach this limit quite quickly based on the file format (GIF, FLV, MP3, and so forth). All downloads from any public shared link count towards the bandwidth limit. Box measures bandwidth usage based on downloads from open access shared links.Please note that empty subfolders will be ignored and not included in the zip file. You will have to unzip the folder once it has successfully downloaded to your computer. When you download a folder from Box, the folder will download to your computer as a zipped file.Please refer to Watermarking Files for expected behavior for each collaboration permission level on Watermarked content.

Files and Folders that are Watermarked may not be able to be downloaded normally by some collaborators.If you are a Previewer, Uploader or Previewer-Uploader on the folder, you would not be able to download files in this folder.

Please check your access level on the collaborative folder.

Updating your browser to the latest version.If you are encountering problems downloading files from your Box account, we recommend you try